Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Contract for sizzlin' hot Paranormal!

I just signed a new contract for the fourth book in my Dancin' With the Devil series, entitled The Devil You Know. This one will release through Ellora's Cave rather than Cerridwen Press and will be MUCH hotter than the previous three books. For those of you who enjoy a good erotic paranormal along with your yummy sensual reads, I think you're gonna like this one.


Astra Q Phelps is turning twenty-five in a few months. She won’t be celebrating with devil’s food cake…but she may very well be celebrating with the devil himself! The delectable Dialle, king of the devils, really needs Astra’s help in Hell to deal with an insurrection. With her Settling upon her, the time when a Tweener decides whether to embrace her dark nature or her light, and with her angel influences at a mandatory convention in Heaven, it’s really not a good time to find herself cavorting with yummy royal devils and sexy, assorted miscreants in Hell. As could be expected, Astra soon finds herself in a battle for her soul as well as her life.

On top of all that, she’s struggling to identify her real feelings for the sexy Dialle. And the solution to that dilemma could not only change the course of their relationship, but also affect the outcome of Dialle’s battle for his crown.


My twenty-fifth birthday is just a few months away.
The thing about that twenty-fifth birthday is…well…for Tweeners it’s kind of make or break time. It’s called our Settling and it’s the culmination of our growth period. The time when we become what we will be in life. It’s also the time when the dark side of our nature has the greatest pull.
It is on our twenty-fifth birthday that we decide which way we’re gonna go. Good or bad. Black or white. Gray usually isn’t an option. And outside influences have a lot to do with the outcome. In my case, my influence pool is decidedly murky, given the fact that I hang out a LOT with devils.
As the fateful date approaches, I can feel the changes boiling just under the surface of my mind.
My skin quivers with it.
My body heats.
And my libido…well…let’s just say my boyfriend’s threatening to go off planet just to get some much needed rest.
Of course he doesn’t mean it.
At least I don’t think he does…

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