Monday, July 16, 2007

Your Worst Nightmare - Poetry by Sam

The average-ness of Me

The worst I can imagine–

The bottom of the well–

My hope’s reverse condition–

My living, earthbound Hell.

Imagine what a horror–

Imagine how it maims–

When one is found less wonderful,

Than one has always claimed.

The nightmare of my consciousness–

The horror of my dreams–

To think I was superior–

The majesty that gleams.

And then to see one cloudy day–

Debris like leaves of tea–

The tragic truth that stains my life,

The average-ness of me.


EM Sky said...

LOL woman. You're too funny. What's with the "average" talk? You're not average--you're marvelous!

Elizabeth Melton Parsons said...

Good stuff! Love it. Elizabeth